Working in collaboration with the “Alexander Wiesel” Bari Chapter of the Italy-Israel Association and with the Italian Classical Culture Association (AICC), Adolfo Mele delegation in Taranto,
the MArTA has dedicated a programme to “Dreams, a ladder to heaven” with guided tours, workshops and music.
Speakers: Rav Umberto Pieperno, Director of the Tempio Beth Shalom Temple in Rome; Prof. Ottavio di Grazia, Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples; Lorenzo Mancini, Staff Archaeologist; Prof. Francesca Poretti, President of the AICC “Adolfo F. Mele” Delegation in Taranto.
The event is jointly organized by the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto, the AICC Delegation of Taranto, the Italy-Israel Association, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, UCEI.